Tag: Amristar
Plastic & Cartoons a Bhagat Puran Singh School For The Deaf – #Pingalwara #Amristar #IndiaCreativity
English, Castellano i Català al final. This time, I did not have the time or the way to explain to the deaf children to draw their own cartoons, some typical of the area. As we had three days together and everything went very well, I had no more translator. Children were at the workshop in…
The Bubble Project a Bhagat Puran Singh School For The Deaf – #Pingalwara #Amristar #IndiaCreativity
English, Castellano i Català al final. The group of students of the school for deaf children I had in this workshop was smaller than elsewhere. All a pleasure after the mega groups of Nepalese schools. This was fine, for me to know the kids, know wich signs I needed to get their attention, say something…
India Creativity Photo Project – Amristar – #IndiaCreativity #India #Photo
Català. Ja estic a la Índia i a tope amb el India Creativity Photo Project! 🙂 Us explico: Vaig agafar un bus a Kathmandu del govern Indi, que és un xic més car que els altres, però vas ample i segur. De fet, anava mig buit. Jo tenia per mi sola 2 llocs ben amples.…