Category: Posts Personals
SPECIAL, awarded at the Photogenic Festival, Barcelona.
English, Castellano, Català – fotos, photos ↓ Last night my NGO partner, Alba Miquel, accepted the prize awarded to me by the photography festival Photogenic Festival, in the Emerging Photographers category. The work I presented were the portraits I took – during my stay in the Manawala Complex in Amritsar (India)- of boys with special…
On my way to Argentina! #ArgentinaCreativity
English, Español i Català. It is now time to hit the road – or the sky – again! The Creativity Photo Project just took off from El Prat airport and is already on its way to Argentina. It will first land in Buenos Aires, to several schools and associations around Isla Maciel. It is a very…
“SPECIAL” exhibition at Photogenic Festival (Gràcia, Barcelona)
English, Castellano, Català. During my stay in Amritsar, in India, besides teaching the lovely children at the school for deaf children at the Manalawa complex, I also taught a basic photography course to the 20 and 21 year olds. In those lessons I taught them how to take pictures of the patients at the Centre,…
Have I perhaps been too long in India and Nepal?
English, Castellano, Català. Fotos al final 🙂 After Asia there are a number of things that surprise me in Barcelona. Some are funny things and other changes I see in the city: 1 – One and a half liter bottles of water seem to me huge! (In Nepal and India are allways a liter) 2…
We continue!
English, Castellano, Català. Today I finished a fantastic workshop in Bangalore (I’ll tell you tomorrow). It was one of those days where you feel like you are going to be again yourself. You decide where you want to continue and after the first decision, like a domino, a number of great things start to happen.…
Vacances al sur de la Índia ¿…?
Post personal en Català. El darrer mes ha estat com unes vacances dins del viatge. Tot i que potser hauria de dir-ne una baixa laboral o un merescut descans. Com ja us vaig explicar, durant la meva estada a Jaipur, la fibromiàlgia em va començar a donar avisos dels seus. El que no us vaig…
Darrera setmana al Rajasthan o la Fibromiàlgia ataca de nou.
Català. L’estada al Rajasthan va començar molt bé. Temperatures suaus, vacances per la zona, gaudir del dessert a Jaisalmer, de la pau del llac a Udaipur. Tornar a la caòtica Jaipur i d’allà al petit poble de Jhag. Aquests dies allà han estat molt durs. M’ha fet repensar en tot plegat. He xocat molt altre…