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Silent Talks – SKID – The Sheila Kothavala Institute For The Deaf
English, Castellano, English. Silent Talks, has been a workshop of artistic and participatory photography for youth with hearing problems, that we have facilitated Carlos from fotovoz and Clara from Creativity Photo Project. The original idea was to mix my 2 most popular workshops (plastic & bubbles) with other methods of participatory photography that has carried out…
We continue!
English, Castellano, Català. Today I finished a fantastic workshop in Bangalore (I’ll tell you tomorrow). It was one of those days where you feel like you are going to be again yourself. You decide where you want to continue and after the first decision, like a domino, a number of great things start to happen.…
Plastic and Cartoons a Mirra (Chennai)
English, Castellano, Català. In Chennai, apart from visiting the photography festival, I was sharing the “Plastic and Cartoons” workshop in Mirra. People form Mirra is adorable. The place is one of those parts of the world in which you want to stay more days. Near the sea, in a quiet place,with lovely people ……
Vacances al sur de la Índia ¿…?
Post personal en Català. El darrer mes ha estat com unes vacances dins del viatge. Tot i que potser hauria de dir-ne una baixa laboral o un merescut descans. Com ja us vaig explicar, durant la meva estada a Jaipur, la fibromiàlgia em va començar a donar avisos dels seus. El que no us vaig…
Darrera setmana al Rajasthan o la Fibromiàlgia ataca de nou.
Català. L’estada al Rajasthan va començar molt bé. Temperatures suaus, vacances per la zona, gaudir del dessert a Jaisalmer, de la pau del llac a Udaipur. Tornar a la caòtica Jaipur i d’allà al petit poble de Jhag. Aquests dies allà han estat molt durs. M’ha fet repensar en tot plegat. He xocat molt altre…