English, Castellano, Català.
In Chennai, apart from visiting the photography festival, I was sharing the “Plastic and Cartoons” workshop in Mirra. http://www.mirract.org/
People form Mirra is adorable. The place is one of those parts of the world in which you want to stay more days. Near the sea, in a quiet place,with lovely people …
Mirra is a dream of creating an all inclusive space for children to go beyond disabilities, so that they may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy and education.
The main objective of Mirra is potential realization, empowerment and inclusion of children with autism, learning disability, and other special needs into mainstream schools and community at large.
The workshop was very good. Parents of the children were helping us and were delighted, and they and the students were thrilled with the result.
In addition to excellent photographs, should be considered the fun and entertainment (and challenge) that represents for them this. Any activity that helps children develop and interact is essential.
I have to say that every day I find more rewarding work with children with some kind of special challenge. It is not easy for them to achieve integration in society, and these workshops, I really believe that are helping both to valued more themselves .
Plastic and Cartoons en Mirra (Chennai)
En Chennai, aparte de visitar el festival de fotografía, estuve haciendo el taller “Plastic and Cartoons” en la asociación Mirra. http://www.mirract.org/
La gente de la asociación Mirra es adorable. El lugar es una de esas partes del mundo donde te gustaría quedarte muchos más días. Cerca del Mar, en un lugar tranquilo, con gente encantadora . Se describen así:
Mirra is a dream of creating an all inclusive space for children to go beyond disabilities, so that they may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy and education.
The main objective of Mirra is potential realization, empowerment and inclusion of children with autism, learning disability, and other special needs into mainstream schools and community at large.
El workshop fue muy bien. Los padres de los niños nos estuvieron ayudando y quedaron encantados, y tanto ellos como los alumnos se emocionaron con el resultado.
Además de unas excelentes fotografías, se debe tener en cuenta la diversión y el entretenimiento (y desafío) que representa para ellos esto. Toda actividad que ayude a los niños a desarrollarse y relacionarse es esencial.
Yo he de decir, que cada día encuentro más enriquecedor trabajar con niños con algún tipo de reto especial. No es nada fácil para ellos conseguir una integración en la sociedad y con este tipo de talleres, creo realmente que estamos ayudando a que tanto los padres como ellos mismos se valoren más.
Plastic and Cartoons at Mirra (Chennai)
A Chennai, a part de visitar el festival de fotografia, vaig estar fent el taller “Plastic and Cartoons” a l’associació Mirra. http://www.mirract.org/
La gent de l’associació Mirra és adorable. El lloc és una d’aquelles parts del món on t’agradaria quedar-t’hi molts més dies. A prop del Mar, en un lloc tranquil, amb gent encantadora. Es defineixen així:
Mirra is a dream of creating an all inclusive space for children to go beyond disabilities, so that they may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy and education.
The main objective of Mirra is potential realization, empowerment and inclusion of children with autism, learning disability, and other special needs into mainstream schools and community at large.
El workshop va anar molt bé. Els pares dels nens ens van estar ajudant i van quedar encantats, i tant ells com els alumnes es van emocionar amb el resultat.
A més d’unes excel·lents fotografies, s’ha de tenir en compte la diversió i l’entreteniment (i desafiament) que representa per a ells això. Tota activitat que ajudi als nens a desenvolupar-se i a relacionar-se és essencial.
Jo he de dir, que cada dia trobo més enriquidor treballar amb infants amb algun mena de repte especial. No és gens fàcil per a ells aconseguir una integració en la societat i amb aquesta mena de tallers, crec realment estem ajudant a que tant els pares com ells mateixos es valorin més.
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