Tag: Plastic and Cartoons
Plastic and Cartoons a Mirra (Chennai)
English, Castellano, Català. In Chennai, apart from visiting the photography festival, I was sharing the “Plastic and Cartoons” workshop in Mirra. http://www.mirract.org/ People form Mirra is adorable. The place is one of those parts of the world in which you want to stay more days. Near the sea, in a quiet place,with lovely people ……
Plastic and Cartoons a Jhag Children Villagge – Rajasthan – i-india
English, Castellano i Català al final. Plastic and Cartoons at Jhag Children Village – Rajasthan – i-india This workshop was easier to do. If children have already been with me and have been done the Bubble Project, when I explain this workshop, they have quickly the idea and everything goes great, and so it was.…
Plastic & Cartoons a Bhagat Puran Singh School For The Deaf – #Pingalwara #Amristar #IndiaCreativity
English, Castellano i Català al final. This time, I did not have the time or the way to explain to the deaf children to draw their own cartoons, some typical of the area. As we had three days together and everything went very well, I had no more translator. Children were at the workshop in…
#NepalCreativity Kids Video-Album
That’s the result from the #NepalCreativity Workshops. The photos have been shot for kids all around Nepal. There are only 6/8 for every place I worked. We (kids and me) have been working very hard during 4 months! I will miss much each one of the children, teachers and other Magic people I’ve met here!…
Plastic and Cartoons a la màgica casa de DWC Nepal
Castellano, Català. En uno de los lugares donde me he sentido más a gusto de todo el viaje ha sido en esta casa en el Norte de Kathmandu, donde las chicas de Flowers from Nepal están haciendo una gran labor ayudando a las directoras de este peculiar centro para niños con necesidades (y capacidades) especiales.…
Plastic and cartoons a Martyrs’ Memorial School – Class 4 & 5- Kathmandu
Castellano, Català. Al ver los resultados de las clases 6 y 7, y ante las suplicas de las niñas de 4º cuando me las encontraba por los pasillos, accedí también a hacer el talleres a estas dos clases. Aquí, los animé a dibujar algo propio, y como son más pequeños, colgué por las paredes, algunas…
Plastic and cartoons a Martyrs’ Memorial School – Class 6 & 7- Kathmandu
Castellano, Catalá. Como os conté en mi anterior artículo en principio, en esta escuela, tenía la clase 6 y 7 y con ellos hicimos también éste workshops. Los animé como la última vez en que dibujaran algo de su entorno o algún dibujo animado sin usar mis copias y el resultado fue encantador! 🙂 Plastic…
Plastic & Cartoons a Thulasain (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, English. Before leaving the zone, I went 2 days to the school in the village where I slept. This school is only of first education (with girls 13 years old; if they do not go to school, they have to work, and have to repeat course. I did the same experiment that the one…
Plastic & Cartoons a Ganga Secondary School, Tesinge (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, Català. Now I proposed to the students to do his own drawings and not copy those I bring printed to soure inspiration, and the result was very curious,. They all drew birds, flowers, dogs, búfals, etc. But it was curious that in different classes and even in different schools of the zone, they drew…
Plastic and Cartoons a Lekshedh Tsal – Jampaling Tibetan settlement
Castellano, Català. Plastic and Cartoons a Lekshedh Tsal – Jampaling Tibetan settlement Durante las fiestas de Tihar, me acerqué hasta Pokhara y como no, aproveché la estancia en esa zona para conocer uno de los asentamientos tibetanos que hay en la zona y hacer el taller de los plásticos con los niños de la…