Category: Creativity Photo Project
Plastic & Cartoons a Thulasain (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, English. Before leaving the zone, I went 2 days to the school in the village where I slept. This school is only of first education (with girls 13 years old; if they do not go to school, they have to work, and have to repeat course. I did the same experiment that the one…
Plastic & Cartoons a Ganga Secondary School, Tesinge (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, Català. Now I proposed to the students to do his own drawings and not copy those I bring printed to soure inspiration, and the result was very curious,. They all drew birds, flowers, dogs, búfals, etc. But it was curious that in different classes and even in different schools of the zone, they drew…
Recompenses enviades – Una feina menys! Super happy!
English, Castellano, Català. Rewards sent – A work less to do! Super happy! Today I am very happy, finally I did a job that was “dragging” three months! I sent the rewards from the crowfunding by post. If they don’t arrive, is not my fault!! I have done with lots of love! Now I can…
The Bubble Project a Ganga Secondary School, Tesinge (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, Català. It was a challenge for me to do the workshops in Tesinge (I suffer of fibromyalgia since many years!). Going down 5 km every day to do the classes and going up back to the place where I slept in Thulasain was not easy, but the students deserve it, and the landscape was…
Achham District
English, Castellano, Catalá. – Photos at the end, fotos al final. Mangalsen – Achham District (Far West – Nepal). The Far West of Nepal is really far away. To make the scarce 1000km necessary to arrive, 3 days and 3 different buses are needed. In one of them, for example, I spent 18…
Plastic and Cartoons a Lekshedh Tsal – Jampaling Tibetan settlement
Castellano, Català. Plastic and Cartoons a Lekshedh Tsal – Jampaling Tibetan settlement Durante las fiestas de Tihar, me acerqué hasta Pokhara y como no, aproveché la estancia en esa zona para conocer uno de los asentamientos tibetanos que hay en la zona y hacer el taller de los plásticos con los niños de la…
Powerless little ant in a terribly sexist cultural system.
English, Castellano & Català. Some days I feel the complete opposite way from what I mentioned in my last post. I see the beauty surrounding me and I feel grateful and happy to be here, but suddenly, something breaks the harmony I feel around me. I know fully well I’m minuscule and I can’t really…
The Bubble Project a Ghyachchok (Gorkha Style)
Castellano, Català. The Bubble Project en Gyachchok (Gorkha Style) Aquí tuvimos que reinventar el Bubble Project, porque al no tener electricidad suficiente, no pude subir la impresora y no se pudo imprimir las fotos hasta que volví a Katmandú. Sabéis que normalmente hacemos las fotos con las burbujas de pensamiento en blanco, y luego…
Plastic and Cartoons a Ghyachchok (Gorkha district)
Castellano, Català. Plastic and Cartoons en Ghyachchok (Gorkha district) Cuando llegamos a Ghyachchok, lo primero que vimos fueron los 5 edificios de la escuela completamente hundidos y una gran brecha que cruzaba todo el terreno que había ocupado la misma. Las tareas de reconstrucción no se pueden llevar a cabo aquí, porque el terreno…
Ghyachchok (Gorkha district)
Castellano, Català. Ghyachchok (Gorkha district) El viaje a Gyachchok se hizo esperar. En lugar de ir a principios de octubre, sólo pudimos empezar el 24 y además la estancia fue más corta de lo que yo quería. Hablo en plural porque aparte de mí, subimos más gente al pueblo. Subió Pepa Sellés Rodríguez de…