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La Isla Maciel – Avellaneda – Buenos aires
English, Castellano i Català. (Fotos – Photos ↓) Since my arrival in Argentina I have done a lot of workshops with the Creativity Photo Project in “La Isla Maciel”. The island has turned out to be a peninsula where, despite the bad reputation and marginality of its inhabitants, it is a relatively quiet place, very…
SPECIAL, awarded at the Photogenic Festival, Barcelona.
English, Castellano, Català – fotos, photos ↓ Last night my NGO partner, Alba Miquel, accepted the prize awarded to me by the photography festival Photogenic Festival, in the Emerging Photographers category. The work I presented were the portraits I took – during my stay in the Manawala Complex in Amritsar (India)- of boys with special…
On my way to Argentina! #ArgentinaCreativity
English, Español i Català. It is now time to hit the road – or the sky – again! The Creativity Photo Project just took off from El Prat airport and is already on its way to Argentina. It will first land in Buenos Aires, to several schools and associations around Isla Maciel. It is a very…
“SPECIAL” exhibition at Photogenic Festival (Gràcia, Barcelona)
English, Castellano, Català. During my stay in Amritsar, in India, besides teaching the lovely children at the school for deaf children at the Manalawa complex, I also taught a basic photography course to the 20 and 21 year olds. In those lessons I taught them how to take pictures of the patients at the Centre,…
Photography exhibition #Àsia14_16 at El Rovell de Clot, Barcelona
English, Castellano, Català. We’d like to keep you up to date about what we’ve been doing lately. Truth be told, we’ve been really busy. As you might already know, we are setting up an NGO in order to be able to legally work wherever we develop our projects. The one we are currently working on…
Plastic and Cartoons in Sabadell #CreativityPhotoProject.
English, Castellano, Català. On Sunday 18th September, Alba – one of the associates whom we’ve set up be artsy NGO with ( i – and I offered the Creativity Photo Project workshops in Sabadell, where we were invited by its Artisan Fair on occasion of the festivities of the Gràcia district. It was…
Barcelona’s Plastic & Cartoons
English, Castellano i Català al final. This workshop was different from the previous ones for several reasons: 1 – It was in Catalan. 2 – We were in a public space. 3- It was not intended for children and people at risk of social exclusion but the opposite. It intended to bring the initiative to…
#CatalunyaCreativity – Apa deixeu el sofà i veniu a divertir-vos! 😉
¿Os haría gracia hacer uno de los talleres como los que han estado haciendo los niños de Nepal? Hemos preparado 3 talleres de fotografía solidarios por 3 sábados diferentes. Los hemos preparado pensando en que pueda venir gente de casi todas las edades (a partir de 8 años) Os prometo que tanto niños como adultos…
Chile Workshops
In December we will be in Chile. Soon We will tell you more specific places where we will be doing participatory and creative photography workshops. En Diciembre estaremos en Chile. En breve os informaremos de los sitios en concreto donde vamos a estar haciendo los talleres de fotografía creativa y participativa. 🙂
Argentina workshops
On October 19th We will land in Argentina. Soon I will tell you more specific places where we will be doing participatory and creative photography workshops. El día 19 de Octubre aterrizaremos en Argentina. En breve os informaré de los sitios en concreto donde vamos a estar haciendo los talleres de fotografía creativa y participativa.