Tag: pobresa
La Isla Maciel – Avellaneda – Buenos aires
English, Castellano i Català. (Fotos – Photos ↓) Since my arrival in Argentina I have done a lot of workshops with the Creativity Photo Project in “La Isla Maciel”. The island has turned out to be a peninsula where, despite the bad reputation and marginality of its inhabitants, it is a relatively quiet place, very…
Vida / Mort – Gaudint del moment!
Castellano, Català. Vida / Muerte – Disfrutando del momento! Realmente he aprendido a disfrutar de cada momento. Ahora mismo: calma, pájaros cantando, tiempo libre para escribir antes de subir al pueblo donde viviré y daré las clases en el distrito de Achcham, aire fresco, sol caliente y unas vistas increíbles. La foto con el teléfono…
Aquest any no és normal al #Nepal: #Dashain, #Earthquake and #fuelcrisis – #BackoffIndia
Català. Aquests dies al Nepal se celebra el festival Dashain, que vindria a ser com les nostres vacances de Nadal. Les famílies tornen cap als pobles i es reuneixen, sacrifiquen algun animal i fan un gran àpat. Això seria en un any normal, però aquest any no és normal al Nepal. Aquest any a molts…
#NepalCreativity and #VietnamCreativity! Nou repte: Laos!
Very Happy! I write to you from the Monastery “Oo Yin Pariyatti” in Mandalay, where I am teaching some of the Teachers here, how to do a web with wordpress! We have reached the second goal and after Nepal I will go to and Vietnam to do the Creativity Photography Workshops! So: New Goal and…
Grettings from Bangkok! #NepalCreativity
English, Castellano, Catalá. Dear Friends and Patrons. Today I’m writing from the rooftop of a hostel in Bangkok, it is 34 degrees Celsius, with high humidity and half cloudy, I imagine that at some point some rain will fall. However, the minimum temperature will be not lower than 29. I got here a few hours…