Tag: The Bubble Project
The bubble Project in “El Hogar Amor, Paz y Alegría” – Renca – Santiago
English, Castellano i Català. (Fotos – Photos ↓) The bubble Project to “The home of Love, Peace and Joy” – Renca – Santiago After more than two years carrying out workshops around the world, this was the first time I offered one in a girl’s home. I usually teach them in schools and the Bubble…
The bubble Project in “La Casa del Niño” – Isla Maciel
English, Castellano i Català. (Fotos – Photos ↓) The same children that took part in the bubble project also did this one. For this workshop we decided to have them copy drawings from the books and magazines in the classroom. Even though they were really young children, the results were really good fun. The bubble…
The Bubble Project a Jhag Children Villagge- Rajasthan – i-india
English, Castellano i Català al final. When we did the Bubble Project in Jhag we had to handle with two inconvenients. A very large classes with a very low level of English and also that the school is far from village, so we made the pictures asking the people who work there and the one…
The Bubble Project a Bhagat Puran Singh School For The Deaf – #Pingalwara #Amristar #IndiaCreativity
English, Castellano i Català al final. The group of students of the school for deaf children I had in this workshop was smaller than elsewhere. All a pleasure after the mega groups of Nepalese schools. This was fine, for me to know the kids, know wich signs I needed to get their attention, say something…
#NepalCreativity Kids Video-Album
That’s the result from the #NepalCreativity Workshops. The photos have been shot for kids all around Nepal. There are only 6/8 for every place I worked. We (kids and me) have been working very hard during 4 months! I will miss much each one of the children, teachers and other Magic people I’ve met here!…
The Bubble Project a Martyrs’ Memorial School – Gyaneshwor- Kathmandu
Castellano, Catalá. En esta escuela, como no sabía exactamente cuántos días me quedaría, cogí en principio sólo la clase 6 y 7. La idea era que me quedaba aquí para terminar de hacer el trabajo del verkami, publicar posts y esas cosas, más que hacer talleres, pero como ya expliqué, los niños estos pueden conmigo!…
The Bubble Project a Ganga Secondary School, Tesinge (Mangalsen, Achcham district)
English, Castellano, Català. It was a challenge for me to do the workshops in Tesinge (I suffer of fibromyalgia since many years!). Going down 5 km every day to do the classes and going up back to the place where I slept in Thulasain was not easy, but the students deserve it, and the landscape was…
The Bubble Project a Ghyachchok (Gorkha Style)
Castellano, Català. The Bubble Project en Gyachchok (Gorkha Style) Aquí tuvimos que reinventar el Bubble Project, porque al no tener electricidad suficiente, no pude subir la impresora y no se pudo imprimir las fotos hasta que volví a Katmandú. Sabéis que normalmente hacemos las fotos con las burbujas de pensamiento en blanco, y luego…
The bubble Project a Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School.
Castellano, Català The bubble Project en Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School Ahora ya hace casi un mes que estoy aquí en Nepal y ya he hecho varios talleres. En la Escuela Tibetana Srongtsen Bhrikuti Boarding High School hice los talleres a 116 chicos de 12 y 13 años. Fue muy curioso ver el cuidado que…
#NepalCreativity a tope!
Castellano, Català. Hola desde Kathmandu! Llevo 5 días aquí y parece más! Todo es muy intenso, menos la wifi, que brilla por su ausencia! 😉 Al llegar y ver la ciudad, casi lloro. Que emoción salir de la nube y ver de pronto la ciudad que no me había imaginado así. Entre montañas verdes y…